Anne Herridge

Sharing God's heart through poetry, prose and prayer

Window over the World

Little Skellig viewed through the oratory window on Skellig Michael (Photo by Anne Herridge)

Little Skellig centred through stony window frame,
Here upon the greater rock which bears Archangel’s name,
Watching o’er the world on Ireland’s western verge,
Here where Michael raised his shield and evil serpents purged!

Lens through which the world was viewed by monks in contrite stance,
Praying without ceasing, sharing hymns and sacred psalms,
Here through misty mantle early sunlight breaks the dawn
Light from heaven rising behind Little Skellig’s form

Worldliness and worldly strife obscured by gleaming rays
Man’s sinful steps and broken paths eroded, washed away,
Here amidst the hallowed light through sacred window ledge,
A gentle peace, a sense of awe, a reminder of God’s pledge

For like the serpents, all our sins are hurled into the sea,
Removed as far as east from west by God to set us free,
Who flung the windows of heaven wide, to pour his blessings down,
Mercy overflowing where grace and peace abound!

Here upon the greater rock which bears Archangel’s name,
The humble find a sense of hope as awe replaces shame,
A thousand generations of pilgrimage and prayer
To the window o’er the world, where God’s glory is declared!

“You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea”. (Micah 7:19)

© Anne Herridge 2020



  1. Banishing Serpents | Anne Herridge - […] may enjoy this poem written after a visit to the Skellig […]

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