Anne Herridge

Sharing God's heart through poetry, prose and prayer

The Last Goodbye

Tears fell on your pillow,

As I whispered that last goodbye,

Knowing your world-weary soul had heard

A Voice calling you nigh

The Voice of the One you served so well

Who ordained and numbered your days,

The Voice of your King now calling you home,

To a welcome of glory and praise

Smoothing your hair and kissing your cheek,

I saw the look in your eyes,

Your vision now dimmed to the world of men

Yet alight and ready to rise

Seeing beyond the greys of the earth

Where trouble and strife prevail,

Seeing the Light that lies just beyond,     

And a body not stooped or frail

As I whispered goodbye and crept from the room

Stepping softly ‘cross holy ground,

I knew that this wasn’t the last goodbye

For our souls will again be found

On that day when the earth has passed away

Reunited with those gone before,

We’ll rejoice and live in eternal peace,

As your earth-weary spirit foresaw

Tears will pass, struggles will cease

And grief will no more remain,

For the One who draws us home to Himself,

Will remove our sorrow and pain

Until that day, may His Presence remain

As a shield to grief’s deepest cry,

Lifting our eyes to see beyond,

And know this was never goodbye.

© 2025

Image credit Pablo Hidalgo | 93973045

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