“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Matthew 6:26-27)
Outside my kitchen window, under the covered deck roof, live several families of little sparrows. They have nested there for a couple of years now, raising several generations of young. From the window, just feet away, we watch them feeding, happily splashing in tiny puddles, building their nests and teaching their young to fly. I have stood and held my breath many times as the newest fledgling takes its first anxious flight from the deck and comes wobbling back a few moments later, having come to care about them almost as if they were my own!
They chat and sing happily all year round, as if instructed by God to be my personal encouragers, especially in the dark winter months!
Recently, after watching the news and feeling the burden of anxiety spreading around the globe, my daughter interrupted my expressions of unease saying loudly, “Look at the birds!”
I stopped mid sentence and looked through the window. There they were, blissfully unaware of what is going on in the world, happily bouncing on the branches of my yet to flower wisteria, singing and chattering with one another. Nine chubby, feathered friends enjoying life to the full in the spring sun. I realized that God’s messengers come in all shapes and sizes, some even have fluffy feathers and tiny voices with which to sing his praise!
I paused at the blissful scene. The birds do not worry. They don’t stress over groceries, money or health, because they know their heavenly Father looks after them. Given their chubbiness they certainly don’t have a lack of food! (God is generous!) They have shelter, water, building supplies and each other in their little community. Their contented lives go on.
In our current climate, with all the uncertainty that the COVID virus has wrought around the world, perhaps we need to stop and look at the birds. All of their needs are met, despite the dangers that threaten them daily in the form of neighbourhood wildlife.
In Matthew 6: 25 -34 Jesus told us not to worry about our needs. He suggested we look at the birds to remind us that God provides, even for the tiniest and seemingly irrelevant of creatures.
At present, a lot of people are worried about what they are going to eat and how they are going to provide for their families, with job lay-offs and empty shelves in supermarkets. But remember Jesus’ words.
“..your heavenly Father knows what you need.” (Matthew 6: 32)
He knows. He who holds the fledglings in his hand and warms their feathers with the morning sun, will do so much more for you my friend, for you too are held in the palm of his hand. (Isaiah 49:16) If he cares for tiny birds, how much more does he care for you? You are his beloved Child, and he has promised to provide for you. Trust Him. He already knows your need.
PRAYER: Father, thank you that you know all our needs and have promised to provide. In this time of uncertainty, we invite you to come and meet us in the midst of our anxieties as we look forward to all the creative ways in which you will provide. In Jesus Name, Amen
You may enjoy my poem ‘Do Not Fear’ on the poetry page.