What promises has God made to you? It is in times of trouble that we need to remember his word to us.
“Not one of all the LORD’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” (Joshua 21:45)
Yesterday I was listening to the beautiful song “Do It Again” by Elevation Worship, which reminds us of God’s faithfulness and dependability. The lyrics naturally resonate with the global situation we are currently facing:
“Walking around these walls
I thought by now they’d fall
But You have never failed me yet
Waiting for change to come
Knowing the battle’s won
For You have never failed me yet
Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness
I’m still in Your hands
This is my confidence, You’ve never failed me yet..”
The lyrics go on to say that, having moved mountains, God can do it again.
I am sure many of us can identify with these words, as we sit in our homes around the world, wondering if the mountainous pandemic that surrounds us can be removed, or if our own walls are going to fall as we wait for change to come. Perhaps it feels as if the ‘walls’ that we used to depend on to keep us safe, (whether physical or emotional), are now under threat. Yet, there is hope. The lyrics in the song remind us that God’s promise still stands and that he has not failed us yet.
The words of Psalm 37:25 come to mind,
“I was young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
or their children begging bread.”
The righteous, (those who love the Lord and follow him) are never abandoned by him. He meets their needs. Perhaps you are worried about income or how to feed your family right now? God will not abandon you.
Joshua 21:45 tells us that “Not one of all the LORD’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.”
What promises has God made to you? It is in times of trouble that it helps to remember his word to us, both generally but also personally. God often gives his word ahead of trouble, so that we have it to hold on to as we weather life’s storms. There are at least 144 instances in the Bible where God tells his people to remember what he has done for them, Deuteronomy 8:2 is one example, where he says, “Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years…” Why? Because he knew that life would throw curve balls. He knew we’d need to recall his promises of love and faithfulness.
How do you record God’s promises to you? Some people like to journal. Some underline passages in their Bible. If you have never done so, perhaps now is a good time to start, even with one of the verses above to encourage you. Which one speaks to you?
During this period of lament in our world, the book of Lamentations contains these verses of hope:
“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.” (Lamentations 3:22-24)
The writer of Lamentations, despite his mourning, was able to trust and wait during his lament, remembering God’s faithfulness.
God is our confidence in times of trouble. As we wait for change, let’s remember that he has not failed us yet. His promise still stands. Let him be your confidence today and always, because the day is coming when our hears will praise him again.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for these truths. Help me to remember your promises to me as I wait for change. Thank you for your faithfulness, my Rock, my Confidence and my Deliverer. In Jesus Name, Amen.
(Do It Again was written by Mack Brock, Chris Brown, Matt Redman and Steven Furtick of Elevation Worship, 2016)