Love is all Around ~ God’s Love For You series

The following is one of a series of short devotionals based on my book, “God’s Love For You.”  God accepts you and loves you without condition. He cares about every detail of your life. “..unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord.” (Psalm 32:10) Loneliness is...

Made New ~ God’s Love For You series

Ten years ago, I published a book called “God’s Love For You” (Millennial Mind Publishing 2010) The following is one of ten short devotionals based on the book. The story of redemption and re-creation is written into you also.. “..Through everything God made, they can...

The Promise

Silken to the touch, leafySheen of satin, delicateAs unsoiled velvet, Untainted, unadulterated,Polished clean, scarcelyDays old, freshFrom Spring’s labour,Fledgling green Newness of life,As it was in the beginning, atCreation’s inauguration,Every fibre treasuring a...


We can be tempted to think that our spiritual life is all that really matters to God, but God’s word shows us that he also cares passionately about our physical existence. “God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life..” (Psalm 121: 7) As a child in...

Casting your cares on Him

Casting is not the problem, but trying to be patient once the casting is done, or trying to retrieve what you have cast can present problems. “Casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7) I have a few friends and family who like to go...